
Birecik in Sanliurfa Province Directorate of Commerce and industry, Room and had prepared with İŞKUR, Mobilization and Employment Incentives for workers and employers within the scope of the information session was held in the Hall of the Assembly room. Meeting Room Chairman Müslüm ACAR, Assembly President Yeoh, ISKUR Provincial Directorate of Şanlıurfa business and Professional Consultants Basav, Mustafa ARSLAN, Mehmet YILMAZ Director of the Birecik organized industrial zone, COAST GUARD District Directorate Mehmet ATÇI President of the Chamber of agriculture Abdulcelil ARICI, Halk Bank Branch Manager Abdulaziz YATKIN, Ziraat Bank Branch Manager Ismail TURKMEN, Sea Bank branch manager A. Ferif OZKAN and employers.

The opening speech of the meeting Room Chairman Müslüm ACAR “today our country is heavily felt in the global threats, continued a process of economic competition cutthroat. Of course, in this process, close to 1,000 members of Birecik Chamber of Commerce and industry (BirecikTSO) great responsibility falls. Therefore, the mobilization for Employment ‘ of our President’s call for ‘ Start Your direct counterpart is and believe this campaign successfully we are infinite trust our members looked to the result.

Day, nearly 1,000 members under the umbrella of Birecik TSO for more work and more over our generation. We should not forget that we will work within the context of the mobilization of employment for each employee, as well as to reduce unemployment in the country, will give a new momentum to our economic growth.

Our Government is showing a great initiative on this subject will be provided all social spending and employment each additional tax is required to be met by the public he was editing. This arrangement provided the most attractive and up to date is one of the easiest benefit of incentives. In this process, the ministries will not support our valued members of the missing.

The organized industrial zone will be operational in our County will invest in the region may be the solution for travel video contest 2012 companies that will create job opportunities for 3000-5000 people, Hue  and County economy stronger. ” he said.

Thank You To Everyone Who Participated In The Call For Mobilization

Birecik CHAMBER of COMMERCE members, believing in the importance of the public mind, in accordance with our country’s interests to pursue the activities of yesterday will continue after this, such as ACAR; all our members when they are with us all the time, I would like to thank for the support of each study. All these call for the mobilization of our company, I congratulate wholeheartedly, “he said.