District – Accent

Regional Accent
The position of the dialect used in the birecik district of Turkish in Western Anatolian dialects prof. Dr. Classification of Anatolian dialects of Leyla Karahan (Turkish language institution publications: 630, Ankara 1996) according to his work:
The position of the dialect used in the birecik district of Turkish in Western Anatolian dialects prof. Dr. According to the study of Leyla Karahan (Turkish language institution publications: 630, Ankara 1996), the classification of Anatolian dialects is as follows: 7.1. Akçadağ, Darende, Doğanşehir 7.2. Afşin Elbistan, Göksun, Andırın, Adana, Hatay, Tarsus, Eregli 7.3. Kahramanmaraş, Gaziantep 7.4. Adiyaman, Halfeti, Birecik, Kilis